HMS IT will update the on-campus network on Sunday, February 23, from 6:00 AM to noon EST (UTC-5). Expect up to 15 minutes of network downtime in affected buildings.
Create, save, and access strong passwords
Electronically sign and track documents and forms
Creative tools for your academic needs
Services tailored to your event
Computational strategies and tools for life sciences
Create and share illustrative scientific figures
Access and manage learning materials
Create, analyze, and visualize chemical structures and data
Properly dispose of your Harvard-owned hardware
Utilize repair services
Backup your data continuously
Protect digital assets and guard against potential threats
Create and maintain your CV
Next-gen sequencing (NGS) and analysis software
Request, modify, or remove a DNS entry managed by HMS
Store, sync, and share files securely
Organize your research notes with eLabNext
Organize and streamline your research references
Professional recording and streaming for your events
Securely store and share files on centralized servers
Accelerate discovery using single-cell flow cytometry analysis
Back up and analyze molecular sequences
Share large volumes of data with collaborators
Graph and present your scientific research
© 2025 by the President and Fellows of Harvard College