Security liaisons for the HMS Community

Coordinating to ensure compliance

Security liaisons identified for each department or lab will coordinate with their local team members and HMS IT support staff to ensure that IT systems and equipment are in full compliance with Harvard University policies and requirements. In order of priority, liaison responsibilities include:  

Equipment inventory and remediation

Security liaisons will partner with IT support staff to coordinate and maintain the HMS quad-wide inventory of computers and servers and the installation of required security software on all grant-purchased and Harvard-owned computers.

The liaisons will work with lab managers, HMS Security, and HMS IT to:

  • Coordinate schedules
  • Provide access to spaces with appropriate COVID-19 protocols
  • Gather missing information, such as department staff listings, computer ownership, and equipment log-in information
  • Assist with any analysis needed for onsite/remote equipment and staff

The liaisons will coordinate remediation efforts between IT staff and department personnel to: 

  • Ensure access to equipment for IT to assist with inventory efforts and information security software installations
  • Facilitate local procurement processes with IT to ensure compliance with information security software installation, inventory of assets, and system reporting

Ongoing security communication and process coordination

Communicate updates, initiatives, training materials, and analysis directly between information security working groups, departments, and IT partners.

Information security training coordination

Liaisons would help identify individuals in their areas who need specific types of role-based security training, such as those who have a finance role or work with sensitive information.  
