Assisting in enhancing the learning experience
Teaching and Learning Technologies is at the service of HMS's instructors, assisting in enhancing the learning experience. Whether the course delivery is in person, through distance learning, or a combination of both, the team provides expert advice on optimizing the use of technology in teaching.
Contact to request technology consultation services for your course.
Additional information
Only faculty and teaching staff at HMS are eligible.Instructors StaffAnyone involved in teaching at HMS, including faculty and support staff, is eligible to request these consultation services to enhance the technological aspects of their courses.
We adhere to institutional and educational technology standards.Compliance ConfidentialityAll consultations follow the institutional guidelines and educational technology standards, ensuring confidentiality and compliance with the regulations set by HMS.
Examples services
Examples of services offeredPedagogy CustomizationWe offer services like aligning learning goals with tools like Canvas, designing custom templates for academic programs, building community using Slack, assessing student learning through various platforms, and integrating videos into content with Panopto.