Users with personal computers on the HMS Network are expected to take reasonable precautions to ensure the security of their systems. Individuals may be held responsible for misuse by others that occurs on their systems.

Users should not attempt to plug their personal computers into any data jack for which they are not personally registered or authorized to use. Attempts to plug into an unauthorized data jack may result in its automatic deactivation.

Attempts to monitor, analyze, or tamper with network data packets that are not explicitly addressed to your computer are prohibited.

Using a network address other than the one assigned by HMS IT is prohibited.

Users are not permitted to register external domain names (i.e., any domain outside of that reference systems on the HMS Network.

Users may not advertise routing information on the HMS Network or act as gateways to external or private networks.

It is prohibited to connect any secondary physical network to the HMS Network without authorization.

Providing services or running applications which consume excessive bandwidth on the HMS Network without authorization is prohibited.