Design and manage surveys

Qualtrics XM is a web-based survey tool, offering flexibility with various question types, survey collection methods, in-depth analysis, and robust reporting. Especially tailored for HMS and HSDM quad-based faculty, students, and staff, it's also accessible upon request for off-quad faculty and HMS-Affiliated institutions' employees engaged in teaching at HMS.

Sign in to Qualtrics.

  • Eligibility

    Available for quad-based individuals.

    Qualtrics is available to HMS and HSDM Quad-based faculty, students, and staff. It is also available by request for off-Quad faculty and employees of HMS-affiliated institutions who require it to support their teaching activities at HMS. Hospital business, such as graduate medical education, hospital-based research, or clinical departmental activities, is not eligible. 

    Learn more about Qualtrics eligibility.

  • Security

    Safeguarding your survey data.
    Web-based Encrypted

    Qualtrics provides secure web-based surveys, ensuring that data remains confidential. With strong encryption measures, users can trust the integrity and protection of their survey data.


Step-by-step guide for quad-based members.

Instructions for hospital-based and temporary staff.


Tutorials and guidance on various Qualtrics topics.

In-depth online training for creating and managing surveys.