Computer recommendations

For help selecting the right computer for you, review these recommendations:

Software requirements

  • Antivirus software – HMS IT requires that all computers used on campus have antivirus software installed.  For assistance in choosing personal antivirus software, visit the Choosing Personal Antivirus web page
  • Supported operating system – Ensure your personal computer software is updated and running an HMS-supported operating systems. Immediately install updates that address security vulnerabilities. Apply other updates within 30 days of their release. To check if your system is up-to-date, review the HMS-supported operating systems.
  • Backup software – HMS IT strongly recommends the use of backup software. When used correctly, backup software can create a backup of the critical files and personal data stored on your computer in case of hardware failure or other loss.

For assistance installing these applications, contact the HMS IT Service Desk.  

Additional information