HMS REDCap System Updates

On Thursday September 14th from 9 AM – 10 AM EST, HMS IT Research Computing will be upgrading the HMS REDCap system’s underlying infrastructure components to their respective current versions. This minor update continues to keep all of the infrastructure that runs our REDCap instance up to date and maintains the platform at it’s most performant and supportable state.
We will also be updating the REDCap software to the latest long-term release, v13.7. This release brings another round of feature enhancements, bug fixes and security patches to ensure an optimal user experience. A full list of those changes can be provided on request.
The REDCap system will not be accessible for approximately 1 hour during this maintenance window. Once completed, REDCap will return to normal operation.

On September 14th:

  • Please disconnect from the REDCap service before 9AM EST on Thursday September 14th.
  • You will be able to resume REDCap usage by 10AM on September 14th.

Thank you very much for your attention to this matter as we continue to improve, stabilize and secure our data capture and survey services!

IT Department