HMS IT will be enhancing the O2 cluster and Standby storage environment beginning Friday, November 19 through Saturday, November 20, 2021, to better improve the stability, security, and performance of the O2 cluster scheduler and HMS storage systems.
START: Friday, November 19, 07:00 AM EST
END: Saturday, November 20, 11:59 PM EST
O2 and Standby storage will be unavailable during the update. Please save and close all open files prior to the maintenance window. The files will be available again after the maintenance is complete.
You will not be able to sign in to O2. Websites that use O2 to run jobs will be unable to do so. You will also be unable to schedule jobs ahead of time that might run during the update; they will be automatically blocked. Ensure any jobs that you submit will complete before November 19.
Please send any questions about Standby storage to HMS Storage Services at
If you have any questions or concerns related to O2, please contact Research Computing at