Adobe Creative Cloud

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Install Adobe Creative Cloud to gain access to 20+ desktop and mobile apps for photography, design, video, web, UX, and more. Popular apps include Acrobat Pro, Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Stock, Firefly, and Express. Your access includes the use of 1000 generative AI credits per month and 100GB of document cloud storage. You can install Adobe applications, including Acrobat DC, on personal or Harvard-owned devices with up to two simultaneous device activations.

Data classification level

Medium Risk Confidential (L3)

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Faculty in FAS, Harvard College, DCE, GSAS, SEAS, GSD, GSE, HBS, HDS, HKS, HLS, HMS (Quad), HSDM (Quad), Radcliffe, and SPH.
Staff in Central Administration, FAS, Harvard College, DCE, GSAS, SEAS, GSD, GSE, HBS, HDS, HKS, HLS, HMS (Quad), HSDM (Quad), Radcliffe, and SPH.
Students in FAS, Harvard College, DCE, GSAS, SEAS, GSD, GSE, HBS, HDS, HKS, HLS, HMS (Quad), HSDM (Quad), Radcliffe, and SPH.
Researchers in FAS, Harvard College, DCE, GSAS, SEAS, GSD, GSE, HBS, HDS, HKS, HLS, HMS (Quad), HSDM (Quad), Radcliffe, and SPH.